Brain feels like candy...

Brain feels like candy...

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I have been following the Brett Kebble trial quite closely and even more so now that I'm on Twitter, I can follow MandyWiener and AmaBhungane for constant updates on twitter from the court house. Its amazing to hear it from thier perspective because they tweet about the attitude of the witnesses, the accused and the other witnesses in the court. Things like the "Classic awkward moment: Mikey Schultz asked Agliotti for his news paper to read the headline 'king rat trapped'"
Moments in the court house that you would never read about in the paper, like when Mikey Schultz told Mandy Wiener to tweet faster :-) I love to read the replies on twitter too, and get the vibe from them as to what they feel about the whole case. Clinton Nassif seems to be changing his view on the history of events that took place, and does not seem to implicate Agliotti as much as he did on the affidavits in the beginning? What will happen to his 204 Immunity and the State case if he does change his testimony so drastically? Court was adjourned at lunch time after the rather emotional Clinton Nassif had been asked to calm down a few times by the Presiding officer.

The funniest was the Zapiro cartoon of the "three stooges" ( quoted from Mail & Gaurdian) are standing in a queue for T-shirts with the phrase "I killed Brett Kebble and got off scott Free". What did it for me was that Mikey Schultz (MS) showed AmaBhungane that he's saved the pic on his cell phone as his screen saver. The arrogance, makes you wonder what the "three stooges" think of the NPA at this stage?

Looking forward to continuance of trial on Monday 2 August 2010 at 10am.

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